Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Downloadable Rabbits!

If you have ever been to my site before you have no doubt watched the five video series about the rabbits that my family raises. There is no doubt people out there who want to see this video in a higher quality and I am not one to object to these things!

Here's episodes One through Five.

Episode One

Episode Two

Episode Three

Episode Four

Episode Five


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi! I liked the first video of the rabbit rescue. I would like to view the other 4. I have no need to download for posterity.
As much as it pains me to ask an Aggie "how to" do anything, ;)please let me know how this works.
Are you paid for the videos, gain points with You Tube, or what?
I thought I was fairly conversant with computers, but You Tube has landed me in another dimension altogether. (Sorry about the pun.)
If you can give me the guidelines in 25 words or less, I shall be most appreciative.
Reason for 25 words or less: I keep telling DH I do not have to understand internal combustion in order to drive a car. That's why I asked for the short version.