Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Happy Valentines!

Hey guys,
First off, Happy Valentines Day! Go buy stuff!

Also, I've got a couple more videos I should be posting in the next couple days...some of which have yet to see the light of day.

I figured that I would also share that I have decided upon my next major film that I would be working on - something about my car. That's it, I have a basic premise! =P For reference I own a 1990 Toyota Supra and there isn't enough movies about my kind of car so I figured I needed to make one. That and my car's just amazing enough to have a movie made about it!

You can check out my Cardomain HERE for more pics of it and some history etc.

Filming is in the basic stages right now, I bought a tripod (big investment I know!) and have been getting as much stock footage as I possibly can right now.

I'll keep the updates coming!


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